The cost of accommodation in Hamburg

The average cost of living in Hamburg hotels of different categories and inexpensive hostels. Check prices and decide where to stay.

Accommodation in Hamburg can be one of the costliest expenses for a future trip. The prices for renting accommodation directly depend on the travel season, but overall, they are not the cheapest in the city.

For instance, the cost of accommodation in Hamburg for 7 days will be at least 350 EUR. With this price, you will be able to find a room in a 3-star hotel, but it may not be located in the central areas of the city.

Hotels of a higher level do not offer cheap accommodation in Hamburg. For a vacation in a 4-star hotel, you will need to spend at least 525 EUR. Similar offers can be found with various promotions on pre-booking accommodation websites.

For those who are interested in luxury accommodation in Hamburg, it should be noted that you can expect prices starting from 1500 EUR. This is the approximate cost for renting an excellent room in a 5-star hotel located in the city center.

For tourists who prefer a more independent stay and want to have an entire apartment to themselves, they should budget around 1000 EUR. Prices for individual accommodations in Hamburg start at around this range.

Of course, the price of accommodation will not only depend on the dates of your trip but also on the district of the city, the number of stars, and the hotel's facilities and amenities. Taking all these factors into account, we are confident that you will be able to find good options at affordable prices.

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