Hamburg weather

Find out what the weather is like in Hamburg during the different seasons and when it's best to go on vacation in this city.

In order to choose the best time to go, you need to know the weather forecast for Hamburg in advance. Of course, it is not a resort city and rain is not a hindrance for walks in the neighborhood. But still, it's better to wait out unfavorable cyclones, and let your friends know that "I'm going to Hamburg" when it's sunny.

The weather in Hamburg for 14 days will be the warmest in the summer. From June to August the optimal temperature of +20-22°C reigns here.

Early fall also provides the opportunity to bask in the warmth of the sun. The weather in Hamburg for 5 days in September will please +18 ° C outside the window. October will hold out at around +13 ° C, but in November it will be much cooler to +7 ° C. So if you are wondering: Is it worth to go to Hamburg in autumn? We answer - yes, but only at the beginning of the season.

Winters in Germany are not very harsh. So if you have planned a trip during the New Year holidays, you can confidently pack your bags. The weather in Hamburg for the week will surprise you with temperatures of around +2–4°C, which is not typical for a severe winter.

There is no definitive answer to the question of when is the best time to visit Hamburg. The city is beautiful in any season. For example, the weather in Hamburg for 3 days at the beginning of spring may not be particularly warm, with temperatures around +12°C. However, the greenery of trees and the abundance of blooming shrubs will surely catch your attention.

If you're wondering when is the cheapest time to visit Hamburg, it depends on the airline discounts. You can find good deals both in summer and late autumn. The weather in Hamburg will not dampen your spirits, as you will be filled with excitement from exploring the city!

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