Main information about Munich

Geography, population and a little history of the glorious city of Munich.

The capital of Bavaria is located in the southern part of Germany, which contributes to year-round tourism: winters are mild with little snow, and summer temperatures rarely exceed +25°C.

Munich is situated on the picturesque banks of the Isar River, and just two hours away are several large lakes and ski resorts with cozy resort towns.

The population of Munich is 1.4 million people. Local residents take great pride in their Bavarian traditions, which allows this modern IT hub to maintain its distinctive charm.

View of Munich

Munich was founded as a settlement of monks in the 8th century and gained city status in the 12th century. Later, the renowned German feudal family of the Wittelsbachs built a residence here, which is now a popular museum.

Until the end of the 19th century, Munich remained the capital of the Kingdom of Bavaria. In 1810, the city hosted the first large-scale public celebrations dedicated to the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese of Saxony, which marked the beginning of the Oktoberfest traditions.

In 1972, Munich became the capital of the Olympic Games, and the magnificent Olympic Park continues to be a pilgrimage site for tourists today.

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