How much does it cost to stay in Neos Maramaras

When thinking about a trip to Neos Maramaras, it's best to find out the rates of local hotels in advance. We have graded the cost of rooms in different classes of hotels.

If you are looking for cheap accommodation in Neos Marmaras, then we advise you to book private apartments or 2-star hotels now, where a room with breakfast for two people for 7 days will cost 320-350 EUR. If you are lucky enough to get a discounted offer, you can save about 100 EUR and get a room for 230 EUR.

A 3-star hotel in Neos Marmaras will cost 420-460 EUR for 7 days for two people. The price includes breakfast, for half board you will have to pay a little more than 500 EUR.

Accommodation in Neos Marmaras luxury prices are 1500 EUR for 5 stars only with breakfast and about 1900 EUR in all-inclusive service.

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