Weather in Paleokastritsa

When is the best time to go to Paleokastritsa? We'll tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

If you have planned your trip, it's essential to check the weather forecast for Paleokastritsa. Keep in mind that the weather can change quickly, so bright sunshine can turn into torrential rain in just a few minutes, or vice versa.

Frequent visitors to the resort recommend flying to the Greek coast in the summer when the air temperature warms up to around +30°C. During this season, you can enjoy pleasant weather in Paleokastritsa without worrying about sudden cyclones.


In winter, temperatures drop to a maximum of +12-14°C, and if you check the weather in Paleokastritsa for a 3-day forecast during this season, you'll likely find information about frequent rains. So, don't forget to pack an umbrella if you plan to visit Corfu for the New Year holidays.

During spring, starting from late April and early May, those who enjoy basking in the warm, gentle sun can head to Corfu. Temperatures can reach up to +20°C, making it an ideal time for hiking along the picturesque Greek coastline.

Summer in the resort is hot and pleasant, and the same applies to the fall season. Even in October, temperatures remain at a comfortable +22°C or higher, both in the air and water. So, if you visit Corfu during the autumn or "velvet" season, you can expect warm, sunny, and comfortable weather in Paleokastritsa for the next 5 days.


The best time to visit Paleokastritsa depends on your weather preferences. If you enjoy warm but not overly hot summers, June is an excellent choice for a vacation on the Corfu coast. Alternatively, if you prefer the wonderful "velvet season" with warm seas and gentle sunshine, it's an ideal time for a getaway.

Spring is also a great option, especially if you're a traveler who enjoys hiking and exploring new towns. During this season, it won't be too hot, making it perfect for long walks and exploration.


If you're looking for a more budget-friendly option, consider visiting Paleokastritsa in winter. During this season, the resort experiences a rainy period, and temperatures drop to around +15°C. This time of year is less crowded, making it a more economical choice for your trip. So, it's up to you to decide when to excitedly announce to your family and friends, "I'm going to Paleokastritsa!"

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