Public transportation in Castiglione della Pescaia

The cheapest way to get around in Castiglione della Pescaia is by public transport. Find out all about the city's transport connections and ticket prices.

The public transport in Castiglione della Pescaia is represented by a regular bus service to other Italian cities. In addition, the nearest railway station is located in the administrative center of the province of Grosseto.

Transport in Castiglione della Pescaya runs regularly, tourists have no problem with leaving for other cities. To move around the resort town you can use public transport in Castiglione della Pescaia, rented cars, cabs, and for those who prefer a healthy lifestyle - bicycles. Note that a large number of tourists travel by car and bicycle here.

Transport prices in Castiglione della Pescaia are not different from those in other regions of Italy. The cost of a cab ride or car/cycle rental can be overpriced in the "high season". For those who plan to rent a car, we recommend a trip deep into the region of Tuscany to the small villages that produce wine, cheeses and flavored homemade Italian cuisine.

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