How to get from the airport to Courmayeur

If you are traveling to Courmayeur on your own, the road information from the airport will come in handy.

To reach Courmayeur, you can use the services of Geneva Airport, Milan Airport, or fly via Turin. Regardless of which airport you prefer, the route will be very scenic. Notably, there is the Mont Blanc Tunnel, a high-speed railway tunnel that passes under Mont Blanc.

You can find information on how to get to Courmayeur on the website. Buses run from Milan, Turin, and Aosta, with prices ranging from 3 to 20 EUR depending on comfort and distance of travel. Of course, you can also rent a car from the airport and travel independently via the A5 highway. Some tour operators arrange transfers from the airport to the hotel in advance. The choice of the best option from the available ones is entirely up to you.

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