Basic telephone numbers in Courmayeur

Numbers of emergency services, embassies and consulates in Courmayeur.

The main telephone numbers in Courmayeur can be found by contacting the Courmayeur Tourist Office, which is open all year round.

In high season (15.06-30.09; 08.12; 26.12- 06.01, Easter and Carnival) is open every day from 9 am to 7 pm. At low season from 9 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm.

Address: Piazzale Monte Bianco, 15 11013 Courmayeur (Ao)

Phone: (+39) 0165.842060

Fax: (+39) 0165.842072


In an emergency call the rescuers immediately and do not leave the marked slopes!

Ski patrol

+39 0165 84.36.35

Valle d'Aosta Mountain Rescue Service

+39 0165 84.36.35

Rescue station


Emergency telephone numbers:

- Carabinieri (military police, carabinieri) - 112. Note that in Europe this number is called in emergencies.

- Emergency Service (Soccorso Pubblico di Emergenza) - 113.

- In case of child emergencies (Emergenza Infanzia) - 114

- Fire Service (Vigili del Fuoco) - 115.

- Fire Service (Servizio Antincendi - Corpo forestale dello Stato) - 1515

- First Aid Service (Emergenza Sanitaria) - 118

- Violence against Women Service (Servizio Antiviolenza Donna) - 1522

- Police - 113

- Italian Automobile Club (Soccorso Stradale) - 116 or 803-116.

All calls to emergency services are free of charge.

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