The prices of accommodation in Turin depend on the hotel's location - the closer to the city center (Centro), the more expensive it tends to be. The most budget-friendly accommodation options in Turin are hostels and guesthouses. For example, the minimum amount you can expect to pay is around 20 EUR for a bed in a hostel near the train station.
For 40-50 EUR, you can not only rent a bed in one of the central hostels but also find a room in a 1-2-star hotel, such as in the Lingotto area.
If you want to stay in a 3-star hotel or higher but don't want to overpay for a central location, expect to pay around 70-80 EUR (like at Residence Hotel Torino Uno, located 8 km from the city center). The average cost of accommodation in Turin's city center ranges from 150-170 EUR for a room in a 3-4-star hotel.