Public transportation in Krakow

Krakow's public transportation is represented by streetcar and bus routes.

City transportation in Krakow

Represented by streetcar and bus routes (23 streetcar and 120 bus). Transport runs from 5 am to 11 pm, almost every quarter of an hour.

The fare is 3.80 PLN. For children under 7 years old - 1.90 PLN. A 1-hour ticket costs 5 PLN, a 1-day ticket costs 15 PLN, for 2 days - 24 PLN, for 3 days - 36 PLN, for 7 days - 48 PLN. The fine for traveling without a ticket is 240 PLN (120 if paid locally).

bus in Krakow

Transportation routes

Buses #600-699 run at night, making public transportation in Krakow available around the clock. You can see the schedule of public transportation here.

Also, there are enough companies providing cab services in the city. Prices for this form of transportation in Krakow double at night (after 10pm) and when traveling outside the city limits.

Tips for tourists on transportation in Krakow: If necessary, order a cab by phone, which can save you 10% on the cost of the trip.

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