Budget for travel to Doha

We've calculated how much it would cost to travel to Doha.

When going on a trip to Doha, it's important to ask about prices in advance so you can be comfortable. We recommend making a travel plan and an itinerary of the places you are going to visit in advance - depending specifically on what kind of vacation you prefer. This can range from the best hotels, shopping, restaurants, and the desire to try and see everything, to a quiet, measured beach vacation.

travel budget, Daha, Qatar

1. Lodging

The main part of your travel budget is accommodation, but beyond that, you need to plan for running costs.

2. Meals

A three-course meal in a good restaurant for one person will cost you 150 QAR, while a cheap café will cost you 50 QAR. Alcohol is fairly unpopular in Doha, but a beer, for example, will cost you around 30 QAR.

3. Getting around the city

The price of boarding a cab is up to 10 QAR. Car rental - from 100 QAR/day depending on the class of car.

4. Entertainment

If you want to know how much a trip to Doha will cost with shopping in mind, it depends on your options. That said, prices in stores for most items are the same as ours, or even slightly higher.

tripmydream - travel service, that helps to find compare and buy best flights and rooms worldwide with the given budget. All necessary information for travelers - is right here!