
Doha weather

Find out what the weather is like in Doha during different seasons and when is the best time to go on vacation to this city.

Before you plan your trip, check if Doha is worth traveling to at the right time of year. Qatar's dry, tropical climate may not be the friendliest for those used to milder conditions.

summer, beach, Doha, Qatar

Summer is the cheapest time to travel to Doha, but the weather is very hot, reaching up to +50°C. So despite your desire to visit Qatar, the weather forecast may not be rosy: temperatures in Doha are unlikely to be cooler than +45°C, which is a good reason to postpone your trip.

When is the best time to travel to Doha?

April-May and September-October are the best times to travel. The weather in Doha in the fall or spring will be the most pleasant, around +20°C. This will allow you to enjoy your vacation, swim in the warm ocean, while creating ideal conditions for sightseeing and sightseeing.

Boats (dhow) moored in the ledge of Doha Mountain

Weather Vagaries in Qatar

The weather forecast for Doha from November often contains rain, but it's hard to call it a traditional rainy season: the average annual rainfall here is still less than 150mm.

From December to early March, Doha can be subject to sandstorms, which are the biggest inconvenience for tourists and locals alike.

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