Photo and video


It is enough to look at the photos of Bucharest to get the idea to see all this beauty with your own eyes. No matter if you are an amateur tourist or a professional photographer, the mix of architectural styles of historical buildings, the monumentality of medieval and communist buildings, the delicate natural beauty of parks and lakes stir the imagination.

In the photos of the streets of Bucharest, ancient churches neighbor the concrete monolith of communist buildings, and the Palace of Parliament rivals medieval fortresses and castles. By the way, almost every tourist, bringing photos of Bucharest at night, is sure to have in his collection pictures of the Palace of Parliament at night. At this time it looks especially majestic and monumental.

Of course, the most beautiful photos of Bucharest at night are in the historic part of the city, where the elaborate lighting system gives a special charm to the Arc de Triomphe, the Romanian Champs Elysees, the Ateneo Hotel and other sights.

But to get to know the historical part in detail, it's better to watch a video tour of Bucharest. Not only are the villas, merchants' and craftsmen's houses of past centuries in the crosshairs of the video camera, but also the city's churches, of which there are many. Panoramic videos of Bucharest are usually shot from the top of the Arc de Triomphe or from one of the local castles. But most of all, the curious love to watch videos of Bucharest filmed in places that are somehow connected with the name of Count Dracula.

The city's medieval and communist spirit is diluted by lush parks and gardens with lakes, from where vacationers bring back equally beautiful photos of Bucharest.

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