Weather in Bucharest

Find out what the weather is like in Bucharest in different seasons and when is the best time to go on vacation in this city.

The weather in Bucharest dictates a temperate continental climate. The weather is mild and warm almost all year round. In winter, the weather in Bucharest for 14 days drops to 1-3ºC during the day and to an average of -2ºC at night.

In April, May and June, the weather in Bucharest for 3 days can disappoint with prolonged rains, and in February, March and April, the weather forecast in Bucharest is characterized by promises of wind gusts up to 3.8 m/s. If overcast weather does not scare you, these are the days when it is cheaper to travel to Bucharest.

The sunniest months are July, August and September. This is the best time to travel to Bucharest. At this time the weather in Bucharest for 5 days will be happy with the sun - up to 25 sunny days per month! During the summer months, the weather in Bucharest for a week is warm with temperatures averaging up to +30ºC.

It's time to exclaim "I'm going to Bucharest!" and pack your bags. But in general, everyone decides for himself whether to go to Bucharest on rainy days cheaper or on comfortable warm days more expensive.

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