Transportation in Bucharest

All the necessary information about public transportation in Bucharest: main types and ticket prices.

City transportation

The public transportation network in Bucharest is considered the largest in the country. It includes a metro, 37 trolleybus routes, 106 bus routes, 26 streetcar routes, including a rapid transit. Cab services also operate in the city.

Local transportation

There are some peculiarities of transportation in Bucharest to consider. For example, the metro has three lines of different branches, which sometimes coincide in the middle of the route, and at the end diverge to different parts of the city. All public transportation in Bucharest is provided with instructions and signs only in Romanian language - you will not find English versions here. The subway runs from 5:00 to 23:30.

To ride the subway, you need to buy a magnetic card at the entrance. It costs 4 RON for two trips, 15 RON for ten, 6 RON for a day, 50 RON for 62 trips per month, 60 RON unlimited for a month. Bucharest's other type of transportation prices are 1.30 RON per ticket, but you can buy passes too.


When choosing a cab in the city, you should pay attention to whether they are marked "RO" or "P". These letters indicate private carriers, which charge 1.8 RON per kilometer. In state cabs, the fare is 1.5 RON per kilometer. In either case, boarding will cost 2 RON. To use this transportation in Bucharest, the advice to tourists is to negotiate the price before boarding the car. It is also not customary to tip cab drivers.

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