tripmydream has calculated how much it would cost to travel to Slovenia.
tripmydream has calculated how much it would cost to travel to Slovenia.
On average, the cost of a vacation in Slovenia is 25% less than in Austria, for example. This applies to ski resorts. The country's seaside in terms of spending depends on the place you choose.
The average cost of a sightseeing tour in Slovenia without flights and accommodation costs around 100 EUR. Typically, these options capture one to three historical cities, most often a bus tour. If you go with a private guide by car, the price goes up two or three times.
Prices for tours with accommodation and flights in Slovenia depend on the destination and city. For example, a wellness tour to Rogaška Slatina costs 800 EUR. And treatment and rest in Dolenjska Toplice will cost you 1000 EUR at the height of the summer season. A vacation with a flight to Lake Bled costs 750-800 EUR. Winter ski tours to Slovenia will cost 800-1000 EUR and more.
Prices for hot tours to Slovenia can be much lower, stay tuned and contact tripmydream. We can help you save money and find a trip to fit your budget.
Briefly, a trip will include the following expenses: