Accommodation in Cala d'Or. Prices

When thinking about a trip to Cala d'Or, it is better to find out in advance the rates in local hotels. We have graded the cost of rooms in different classes of hotels.

How much does it cost to live in Cala d'Or?

Sol Hotels, Melia, Barcelo Hotels & Resorts and independent hotels in Mallorca offer various accommodation options for travelers. Inexpensive accommodation in Cala d'Or is provided in so-called guesthouses (from 25 EUR per night) and hotels in the port area of the city (from 35 EUR). Complexes are located 500 meters from the beach. Their infrastructure includes swimming pools, restaurants, open terraces for relaxing during siesta.

The cost of accommodation in Cala d'Or "three-star" - from 60 EUR per night, "four-star" - from 75 EUR per night. A "luxury package" of services for travelers in resorts on the first coastline will cost from 125 EUR for a daily stay.

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