Public transportation in Corralejo

The cheapest way to travel in Corralejo is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

The Corralejo bus station is located on Avenida Juan Carlos I. Bus 6 from the island capital Puerto del Rosario runs regularly here. The ticket price is 3.4 EUR and the travel time is 40 minutes. Also from the bus station of Corralejo there is a bus number 8 on the route towards the western cities of the island - El Cotillo and La Oliva. The cost of the trip is 3,2 EUR. Buses run approximately every 30 minutes.

Bus schedules on the island can be found on the site. In general, buses take the main FV-1 highway at a leisurely pace, picking up tourists along the way. The road is narrow with two lanes. Gas stations are found every 15-20 kilometers.

From Fuerteventura airport, buses run to 3 destinations - Puerto del Rosario and the tourist areas of Caleta del Fuste and Las Salinas. Buses run from 07:45 to 23:00 on weekdays and 09:45 to 22:30 at weekends.

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