Public transportation in Ibiza

The cheapest way to get around Ibiza is by public transport. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

City transportation

Ibiza has a well-developed public transportation system linking all the main population centers on the island.

The main means of transportation are commuter and intercity buses. Buses run on a regular schedule (7:30 am to 24:00 pm in summer, 7:30 am to 21:30 pm in winter), slightly less frequently on weekends and holidays. Bus fare on the island of Ibiza is relatively cheap. The cost is from 1,65 EUR to 4 EUR. Information on routes and fares can be found on the website of the Ibiza Bus Company. Stops are marked with the letter P - parade. Tothe bus stops and takes you for a ride, you have to raise your hand.Toto get off the bus at the desired stop, you have to press the signal button placed on the handrail near the exit.

A special night bus Discobus also runs around the island every night from late May through late September. The fare is 3-4 EUR.

Public transportation in Ibiza

Taxis in Ibiza

Taxis are popular in the city. The cars in Ibiza are not metered, but there are fixed fares for certain routes. It is customary to order a car by phone or sit in a parking lot, usually in the centers of settlements.

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