Santa Susanna's attractions include ancient buildings preserved from the Middle Ages and the city's magnificent parks.
On a diagram of Santa Susanna, the sights are above the highway that crosses the city. It is there, at the top, that the hills are lined with old towers and houses. Mas Galter, Pla de la Torre, Can Bonet d'Avall towers can be found on any map of Santa Susanna with landmarks.

There you will also find descriptions of Santa Susanna sights, including old city churches and Spain's famous parks. All of Santa Susanna's attractions are labeled with their names on the site, so you'll have no trouble finding what you're interested in.
Till today there are still some old buildings that will be of interest to tourists. For example, the farmstead of Can Rosic or the water mill (late XVII century - early XVIII century). Of interest is also the wall of Ratés on the road de la Riera. This a 19th-century aqueduct that demonstrates how water was supplied to the suburb of Can Ratés. Part of the aqueduct (about 200 m) has been restored, although it originally stretched for several kilometers. In 2008, the city council declared the structure a monument of cultural heritage of local importance.