General information about Grindelwald

Location and history of the resort.

The charming town of Grindelwald is nestled in the heart of Switzerland, within the canton of Bern and the county of Interlaken. With a population of 4,138 residents, this small resort town is renowned for its proximity to the glaciers of the Jungfrau, Minch, and Eiger mountains, which blanket the town in winter. It has earned the nickname "Glacier Village" due to this natural spectacle. Grindelwald boasts steep rocky slopes, interspersed with comfortable plateaus and gentle slopes, making it an ideal destination for both beginners and seasoned professionals in winter sports. It's no surprise that this resort is a proud member of the prestigious organization known as The Best of the Alps. The Swiss franc is the official currency used in Switzerland.

Grindelwald panorama

The exact founding date of Grindelwald is shrouded in history. Officially, its origins trace back to 1146, when the settlement was first documented in an Interlaken monastery record. However, the late 18th century saw the influx of English and other foreign visitors who came here for vacation. The resort's popularity soared further during the 19th century, thanks to the growing enthusiasm for mountaineering. Notably, in 1858, the first successful ascent of Mount Eiger, one of the most challenging peaks in the Alps, occurred here.

Yet, Grindelwald experienced a true winter tourism boom with the arrival of the railroad. Locals played a pivotal role by laying a railroad track to Jungfrau in 1912. Additionally, in 1908, the resort witnessed the construction of the first cable car in the Alps.

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