How much does it cost to stay in Uludağ

We can help you calculate an approximate budget for a trip to Uludağ.

The cost of accommodation in Uludağ depends on the star rating of the hotel you choose. For example, a 4-star hotel like Alkoclar will cost around 810 USD per person. It is located just 10 meters from the ski lift. Slightly higher in price is Alkoclar Zone, also located 20 meters from the lift. This is the second skiing zone, and the accommodation price starts from 908 USD. Karinna Hotel, also of the same level, offers a stay for around 974 USD, which includes three meals a day. The ski lift is also located just 10 meters away, and there is a ski storage facility nearby.

The prices for accommodation in three-star hotels in Uludağ do not always differ significantly from the cost of four-star hotels. For example, in Uslan Hotel, a standard room with all-inclusive meals will cost around 919 USD, and in Genc Yazici Hotel, with three meals a day, it will be around 960 USD. The distance to the ski lifts in this case is around 20-25 meters.

If you are looking for affordable accommodation in Uludağ, it's better to search for a place in one of the many chalets available.

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