Weather in Uludağ

Before you go to Uludağ, find out what the weather will be like on the selected dates.

The resort is located in a zone with a continental climate, where predominantly south and southwest winds prevail. The official season starts in November, when the weather in Uludağ promises temperatures ranging from 2°C to -5°C for a period of 14 days.

However, visitors recommend coming to the resort towards the end of December, when the weather in Uludağ for a week treats you to temperatures ranging from -4°C to -10°C. This approximate weather forecast in Uludağ persists until February, with daytime temperatures hovering around -2°C and nighttime temperatures around -8-9°C.

The season officially closes in March, when the weather in Uludağ for 5 days shows temperatures ranging from 1°C to -4°C. During the summer period, the weather in Uludağ averages around 25°C. The hottest month is August, when the weather in Uludağ for 3 days can boast temperatures ranging from 26°C to 18°C.

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