Restaurants in Uludağ

An overview of restaurants and cafes in Uludağ, where the tastiest dishes are served.

Restaurants in Uludağ are mainly located within the hotels where tourists stay. The promised nightclubs, discos, and bars mentioned in travel packages also primarily operate within the hotels. So, if you're looking for the best restaurants in Uludağ, check out the top hotels at the resort.

Only in these hotels do Uludağ restaurants gather positive reviews. For example, in the five-star Club Kartanesi hotel, in addition to the main restaurant, they have the A'La Carte Planet Latino Restaurant. And in the four-star Kervansaray hotel, there are two buffet restaurants.

Uludağ Restaurant

The same can be said about the best cafes in Uludağ. In Club Kartanesi, they have the Strauss Patieseri café, the Bistro Knik snack bar, and three other bars. In Kervansaray, there's a rooftop bar and a lobby bar. Prices in Uludağ restaurants correspond to the hotel level. So, if you're looking for affordable restaurants in Uludağ, it's worth checking out three-star hotels and below.

Comparatively lower prices can be found in cafes throughout the resort. For example, at the Garden Cafe located in the National Park. However, be prepared to pay at least 10 USD for a bottle of Coke, 15 USD for a hamburger, and 8 USD for coffee. As tourists say, prices at the resort are approximately twice as high as in the rest of the country.

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