A detailed map of Svalyava can be found here. A city map will come in handy if, for example, you came to Svalyava as a starting point for sightseeing around the area. You can download a map of Svalyava with hotels on your smartphone, it will simplify the situation if you have rented a car.
In itself, Svalyava is just a district center. It has quite a few resorts, but the main tourist areas are near Svalyava. Deciding in which area of Svalyava to stay, pay attention to Polyana. This village is just a few kilometers from the city, and there are shuttle buses every 15-20 minutes.
Here is concentrated more number of resorts, health centers and hotels. But the area in the center of Svalyava itself is quite suitable for recreation. Golubinoe and Polyana are considered areas near Svalyava, where it will be better to live in the private sector. In Solochyn tourist infrastructure is not so well developed.
To eat in good restaurants you will have to go to the center or to Poliana.Chernik and Stroine villages, which are located in the opposite side of Poliana, are not so popular, although there are rudiments of green tourism and the possibility to rent a house or a room.