Basic information about Philadelphia

The city's past and present.

Virtually everyone knows where Philadelphia is located - the southeastern part of Pennsylvania (USA) on the Atlantic Ocean at the confluence of the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers. But few people know that the city is the most populous in the state and the fifth most populous in the country. Together with all the residents of the suburbs, Philadelphia's population is 6,034,678. Excluding the agglomeration suburbs, the city has just over 1,500,000 people.

Philadelphia at dawn

No wonder Philadelphia has earned the nickname "City of Brotherly Love." But this nickname has stuck with it since its founding. It is believed that the name is of Greek origin and means "brotherly love". The city got it from its founder, William Penn. This Englishman bought some of the land from King Charles II in 1682. It is believed that Philadelphia was founded in this year, although even earlier Swedish settlers lived here. But William Penn created more than just a settlement. It was dominated by his own philosophy. The Englishman was an ardent opponent of the ecclesiastical dictatorship of England, so he attracted new residents with religious freedom. Accordingly, the name of the settlement was not chosen by chance.

Already by the XVIII century, a successful geographical location brought the city to the leaders of the British colonies. Having considerable funds, the city was the first to build a hospital, the opening of which was attended by Philadelphian Benjamin Franklin. He also participated in the opening of the American Society of Philosophers, the local free library, and the University of Pennsylvania.

street, houses, Philadelphia, USA

Another outstanding page of the city's history dates back to the period of the struggle for independence, when it became the unofficial capital of the colonies. In 1976, the Declaration of Independence was signed here. When the war ended, Philadelphia became the temporary capital of the newly formed U.S. state, the place of development and signing of its Constitution. And only in 1790 the status of the capital was transferred to Washington.

But the key economic activity was still tied to Philadelphia. Here they printed money, produced weapons, built ships. The first telephone, the first electrification of buildings took place in this U.S. city.

Leading positions in economic growth Philadelphia surrendered during the Great Depression. But over time the situation leveled out, and by the end of the XX century the city was one of the most populated with a very multinational composition.

Today Philadelphia is actively restoring historic buildings and monuments.

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