How much does it cost to stay in Kitzbühel

We can help you calculate an estimated budget for your trip to Kitzbühel.

Prices for accommodation in Kitzbühel

The prices in Kitzbühel vary quite a bit. You can find budget hotels for 40-50 EUR per night, and you can expect luxury apartments from 120 EUR. Off-season guesthouses offer many discounts, so the cost of accommodation in Kitzbühel largely depends on your needs. Saving money is possible at any time, although in mid-winter it will be a little more difficult.

Accommodation in Kitzbühel

To calculate how much it costs to stay in Kitzbühel, consider the time you're traveling there. In high season, the number of guests increases dramatically and hotels can raise their prices. And there are plenty of 'hot' rooms available, so you'll be able to find fairly economical accommodation.

However, it is possible to stay in Kitzbühel cheaply, especially if you book an adequate ski pass and focus on inexpensive cafes and restaurants. The hotels themselves don't lower their prices below 40 EUR, but the quality of service is also quite good.

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