
Traditions and holidays in Bulgaria

We will tell you about the most interesting traditions and customs in Bulgaria, as well as national celebrations.

Traditional treats

The tradition of greeting visitors with bread and salt is still observed in some hotels in Bulgaria. To return the courtesy, you break off a piece of bread, dip it in salt and eat it, drinking red wine. In the country, red has long been considered a symbol of health and prosperity.

The Bulgarian diet is enriched with fruits and vegetables, and the menus of traditional restaurants are full of fermented dairy products.

Traditional meals:

  • Breakfast (usually fairly light, it can be a muffin and a glass of milk);

  • lunch (served with vegetables or meat);

  • Dinner (served mostly meat dishes).

For tourists, local cafes and restaurants, as well as national institutions, mechans, have traditional dishes and familiar European cuisine.

National treats in Bulgaria

National costume

Now fashion dictates its own terms to the inhabitants of Bulgaria, and clothes have undergone significant changes. On holidays, Bulgarians wear national costumes (they may differ slightly from region to region).


  • Clothing. Women here dress in woolen sundresses with deep necklines (mostly dark colors). They also wear white shirts, colorful belts and aprons.

  • Shoes. Woolen stockings and rawhide shoes are worn on the feet.

  • Headdress. The head is covered with a monochrome silk scarf (it is tied on the parietal). As an additional decoration can be used a live flower, which is tucked under the scarf on the left side.


  • Women's clothing. Instead of a sarafan, women wear a swinging garment with short sleeves. Otherwise, the traditional costume is similar to that worn by the women of Kazanlak.

  • Men's fashion. Men's clothing varies less depending on the area of Bulgaria. Usually, they wear white or yellow-brown suits. The cut of pants and other details can vary greatly depending on the region of the country.

Bulgarian national costumes

Holidays and customs

The Thracians, Greeks, and Romans were heavily influenced by the formation of holiday customs. Many holidays have their roots in the pagan past. There are quite a lot of holidays in Bulgaria. We will tell you about the most popular ones.


This holiday falls at thebeginning of the new year.

How the festival is celebrated

Boys go around the houses in their neighborhood with a freshly cut dogwood stick. The house is entered with wishes for prosperity and health of the owners.

This rite is believed to drive away all kinds of evil from the house. The hosts give sweets or small money to the children.

Todorovden, Tudoritsa

The holiday is also called Horse Easter. It is celebrated on February 20. It is believed that performing special rituals on this day gives health to horses and couples who got married the day before.

Holiday traditions

  • Baking a loaf in the shape of a horse or horseshoe;

  • Feeding the loaf to horses (young wives also eat it. It is believed that it will bring health and give soon offspring);

  • Horseracing;

  • the round dance in the square.

After the festivities in the square are over, the people flock to the house of the owner of the horse that won the race. Here the fun continues.

Horse Easter


This holiday symbolizes the arrival of spring. The date of celebration usually coincides with Shrovetide. The action is celebrated with a carnival.

Carnival program

Dressed men take part in the festivities. They wear masks or paint their faces black. A special dance is meant to drive away evil spirits.

Day of Saints Constantine and Helen

It is celebrated on May 21. One of the main rites of this day is nestinarstvo - ritual dance on burning coals, designed to protect people from diseases. The ritual is performed by specially trained people, and they can dance on the coals without getting burned.

Rose Festival

The festival is held on the first Saturday and Sunday of June, during the blooming of roses.

How the event is celebrated

The rose is a flower that is very revered in Bulgaria. In its honor, a feast with songs, wind-up dances and fireworks is organized. Also on this day the Queen of the Rose is chosen.

In Bulgaria, many holidays are accompanied by mass feasts, contests, the winners of which receive commemorative prizes.

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