Public transportation in Pula

The cheapest way to get around is by public transportation. Find out all about Pula's transport links and ticket prices.

City transportation

In accordance with a Croatian government decree, domestic, intercity, and international services are provided by shuttle buses, which are limited to 12 years of use. On the routes Pula-Trieste, Pula-Zagreb, Pula-Dubrovnik there are modern air-conditioned shuttle buses with sightseeing support. The fare ranges from 7 to 20 NRK.

Tips for tourists

When choosing transportation in Pula, consult the information boards of major tourist communities. See here for all the information you need about selling and booking tickets and transportation schedules. The site has the coordinates of stops and the nearest stores and kiosks.

There are also ferry services between the islands, and trains depart from Pula's train station for Buzet, Lupoglav. Prices for Pula's railway transportation are moderate: a one-way ticket costs from 100 NRK.

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