
Weather in Pula

When is the best time to travel to Pula? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the dates you need.


Summer weather forecasts in Pula for 3 days, weather reports in Pula for a week usually promise +24-26°C, in August - +28-29°C. The Adriatic Sea warms up to +21-24°C and rainfall does not exceed 120 mm for the whole season.

Beginning in June, Croatian cities host lavish festival events: Rovinj hosts the traditional salsa tournament (June 23-30), the island of Korcula hosts the "moreska" knight fights (every Thursday at 21:00), and jazz music fills the streets of Šibenik, Zagreb, and Omis. In July, the prestigious European Film Festival opens in Pula's famous Amphitheater.

summer in Pula


Istria's autumn is roughly divided into two periods: the September velvet season and the October-November rainy season. Travelers who go to Pula in early fall, have time to enjoy the last gifts of summer. The weather in Pula for 5 days and even the weather in Pula for 14 days is predictable: up to +24-25°C during the day and about +13-14°C at night, with no more than 60 mm of rainfall (8 rainy days per month).

From mid-October the weather in Pula deteriorates: the number of sunny days is halved, the average wind speed increases to 5 m/s, and air and water temperatures drop to +15-19°C and +12-16°C respectively.

Should I go to Pula in the fall? Definitely, if you want a quiet, non-touristy walk around the city and its surroundings, take part in Dubrovnik's jam, jam and marmalade festival, and visit the main International Pula Boat Fair, which takes place in Pula from October 16-19.

From September 21 to November 2, the whole of Istria celebrates Truffle Days and invites you to taste the "precious tuber" in the village of Livade.

Autumn in Pula


Winter in Pula is mild and snow-free, making sightseeing at this time of year an enjoyable activity. And 50% discounts at hotels are a decisive factor for tourists who carefully calculate when it is cheaper to travel to Pula.

Winter weather forecasts for Pula promise average daily temperatures of up to +8-11°C, with the Adriatic Sea cooling down to +10-14°C.

December is the time of Christmas festivals and fairs in all Croatian cities without exception. Tourists have the opportunity to attend the famous Dalmatian bullfight, take part in fun donkey races and, of course, buy nice souvenirs: traditional musical instruments, jewelry and sweet gingerbread.

Pula's main carnival procession starts on February 7, and the Coffee and Chocolate Festival opens in Zagreb on February 12.

winter chocolate festival in Pula


Spring in Pula blooms with bright colors by the beginning of April. The average daily air temperature is +15-16°C. In May the water in the sea warms up to +18-19°C, the winds subside and the rains become less frequent.

It's time to exclaim "I'm going to Pula!" and start packing your bags.

The bright spring mood is supported by Croatia's gastronomic festivals. On March 6-15, Zagreb celebrates its famous restaurant week, and on March 21-22, the Dubrovnik Riviera offers oyster tasting accompanied by wonderful national songs.

springtime in Pula

But the biggest event of the season from May 2 to 31 unfolds on the island of Maly Lošinj. The festival program includes gastronomic tours, master classes from leading Croatian chefs, as well as tastings of sheep cheese, seafood dishes, delicious poppy seed rolls and chocolate desserts.

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