
Adriatic Sea temperature in Rovinj

We will tell you when it is best to go to Rovinj to catch the most tender sea and water temperature.

Water temperature in Rovinj

The warmest and most gentle water in the resort is in July, August and September (+23-25°C). In October the sea gradually cools down, and already in November its temperature is +17°C. In winter, the average temperature in the Adriatic Sea is +10-13°C. At the end of May, the most courageous bathers open the season, as the water temperature in the Adriatic Sea reaches +18°C.

The islands of the Rovinj archipelago are a great place for family vacations with children. The sea here is the shallowest and the water is clean and quiet. The waves of the Adriatic Sea are low - 0.5-1.5 meters. And only on some "wild" beaches you can "catch" the wave height of 5 meters. Tides in Rovinj are almost imperceptible (average height - half a meter). The water can rise to 1.5 meters only when a strong north wind blows.

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