Shopping in Kutaisi

The best places in Kutaisi, where to shop and buy souvenirs, are in our review.

Kutaisi is not one of the cities where tourists go on shopping tours, but no tourist has ever left here empty-handed. Most likely, your suitcases will be filled with wine, suluguni cheese and churchella, because these products cannot be bought in the stores of our cities. By the way, they say that the Georgian wine is very capricious and does not like to move around, especially the semi-sweet varieties, which lose their taste properties while traveling. Choose the wines that you like, but do not forget that at the border crossing you can only carry two liters of wine without paying duties.

Market in Kutaisi, Georgia

Shopping in Kutaisi is a hike through the bazaar. There are two of them in the city: one is located near the Colchis Fountain, and the second (Chavchavadze Market) is somewhat distant from the center. Locals prefer markets and buy not only groceries, but also industrial goods. According to the reviews about shopping in Kutaisi, you can understand that you should go to this city for souvenirs.

Georgian national dress

Be sure to visit the bazaars, choose a souvenir hat (shaggy black like the real highlanders, or made of felt - Svan or Tushino), bargain for wine in a clay jar, choose a wine horn, and buy some magnets for your friends.

There are two malls in Kutaisi, Grand Mall and Karvasla. The clothes and textiles sold here are mostly Turkish-made, but if you come during the sale season (September), you can find interesting and inexpensive items.

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