
What to try in Cardamena

National dishes that are a must-try in Cardamena.

Food in Cardamena

Cardamena is a relatively young resort. Until a few years ago it was just an ordinary fishing village. Although the infrastructure of the town has changed dramatically since then, the locals' love of fish delicacies has remained unchanged. Although it would be unfair to assume that only fish is excellent here.

It's worth visiting just one inexpensive restaurant or the best café in Cardamena for grilled prawns, for example, and you'll always be a fan of the local cuisine. We've compiled a list of must-try dishes for your Cardamena vacation:

- souvlaki - spit-roasted meat served with sauce and garnish;

- moussaka - a dish of eggplants, minced meat, tomatoes with white sauce;

-stifado - pieces of meat cooked with onions in wine;

Paidacchio - lamb ribs cooked over an open fire;

-catimeria - sweet tortillas stuffed with cream cheese, cinnamon and lemon;

- red cheese - a common cheese that gets its name for its specific color from aging in red wine;

- pitaridia is a homemade pasta that is cooked in meat broth;

- pligouri - a type of side dish (grits);

- scrape - wheat bread on cottage cheese;

- choloumi - an appetizer made from local cheese that is grilled;

- Varvara, a dessert of wheat porridge with nuts, rosewater and cinnamon.

Whichever Cardamena establishment you go to, you'll be served a giant portion (for example, a serving of salad is enough for three). And there's no need to order extra bread - you'll get a big basket of warm bread rolls with butter and herbs.

Cardamena's national dishes

And for dessert, poison yourself in the coffee shops. Greek coffee (Hellenikos kafes) is a buttery, thick, strong, extremely flavorful beverage with a consistent, strong crema. It is served in small cups with a glass of cool water. If it is not possible to drink hot drinks in the heat, try the Greek cold coffee drink frappe. Coffee shops serve several varieties: frappe glico (a very sweet cold coffee drink), frappe metrio (medium sweet) and frappe skeeto (no sugar).

For sweets, we recommend corne me crema (a puff pastry filled with cream and whipped cream), galatomboureko (a sweet pastry roll with delicate milk cream), local halva, kadefi, ravani, samali, nishallo, nigul, sherbet, fig, quince, orange or peach jam, melomakarona, diples and kurabier. Most of them are prepared using natural honey, all kinds of nuts, natural milk, cheese, fresh and dried fruits.

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