Cost of a vacation in Kefalos

Kefalos does have many types of activities, but how much does it cost to vacation in this town?

Prices for a vacation

After knowing the pricing policy at the resort you can calculate: how much does a vacation in Kefalos cost. Let's start with the flight: the cost of tickets for two people will be about 700 EUR, add to this amount 120 EUR for visa and transfer by public transport 16 EUR, cab will cost 80 EUR both ways.

Let's calculate vacation in Kefalos prices for accommodation. So, a budget room for 7 days will cost 200 EUR, a 3-star hotel - about 300 EUR. Add the cost of visiting taverns and restaurants in the amount of 200 EUR. Don't forget to add the costs of visiting museums, excursions and other entertainment, also with a calculation of about 300 EUR.

Totally get that a vacation for two in Kefalos will cost from 1800 EUR. Do not be strictly guided by this amount, as the price of accommodation can vary depending on the season, as well as the cost of flights. As for the reviews of vacation in Kefalos, those who have been here, note the affordability of prices and the extreme cordiality and hospitality of the Greeks.

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