How much does it cost to stay in Budapest

We calculated how much it would cost to stay in Budapest in hotels of different "stars".

The price of accommodation in Budapest today is at an average level - apartments and hostels will cost 7-50 EUR per night, the cost of 4- and 3-star hotels starts from 25 EUR (if you stay far from the center), 5-star hotels will cost on average from 120-200 EUR. The cost of accommodation in Budapest depends directly on the seasons:

  • High season - from early spring to mid-autumn (standard prices, luxury hotels often offer discounts in July-August);
  • Special season - the period of Formula 1 in Hungary, New Year and Christmas vacations (prices increase by 10-20% on average);
  • Low season - from November to February (excluding the above periods). At this time, accommodation in Budapest is inexpensive - discounts can reach 40%.

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