
Public transportation in Jimbaran

The cheapest way to get around is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

City transportation

There is no public transportation as such in Jimbaran. The role of public transportation in Jimbaran is performed by dark blue Bemo buses. According to the advice of tourists, cabs are considered to be the best transportation in Jimbaran. The prices in this transportation of Jimbaran are quite democratic. This is due to the fact that each car has a meter. So, a trip to Kuta will cost about 25,000 IDR, and in the city you can generally move around for pennies.

Transportation to the airport

To avoid paying for transportation in Jimbaran, local hotels provide shuttle services to the island's major cities and the airport. Due to the town's small size, you can get around on foot or by bicycle.

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