
Weather in Jimbaran

When is the best time to go to Jimbaran? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the dates you need.

Generally, the weather in Jimbaran is divided into two main periods. Looking at the weather in Jimbaran for a week in spring, you will realize that this is the end of the rainy season. For this time period, a humidity of 70% is considered to be the most optimal.

The most favorable weather for 14 days in Jimbaran is in summer. At this time, the humidity and heat levels on the island are the lowest. Due to the fact that the resort is relatively close to the equator, the weather for 5 days at any time of the year in Jimbaran will be characterized by constancy.

Meteorological weather summary for 3 days in the fall will allow you to rest on the beaches of Jimbaran with maximum comfort. However, already in early November, weather conditions begin to deteriorate rapidly.

Temperature indicator weather forecast in Jimbaran in the winter months will show that the humidity during this period can reach a mark of 95%. Despite the inclement weather, the high number of hours of sunshine per day and frequent periods of clear weather make it possible to vacation in Bali even in the height of the rainy season.

Weather in Jimbaran

When is it cheaper to go to Jimbaran

Knowing the weather forecast for Jimbaran will help you understand when it is best to travel to the resort. There is a significant influx of tourists during the New Year and Christmas holidays, as well as on the eve of Chinese New Year. Given that the temperature is the same throughout the year, you'll be able to decide for yourself "I'm going to Jimbaran".

The daylight hours here reach up to 12 hours a day, and temperatures rarely drop below +27°C. If you're wondering when it's cheaper to go to Jimbaran, it's definitely in the wet season.

Doubting whether to go to Jimbaran in winter, you should consider the fact that even in the height of the rainy season there are frequent periods of good weather and a large number of sunny days, when you can not only enjoy a wonderful vacation, but also get a good tan.

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