How much does it cost to vacation in Jimbaran

There are indeed many types of activities in Jimbaran, but how much does a vacation in this city cost?

Jimbaran vacation prices

Prices at the resort are quite democratic and how much a Jimbaran vacation costs will directly depend on your standard of living and personal preferences. Excluding the cost of accommodation, the price of a Jimbaran vacation will not exceed IDR 650,000.

A vacation for two in the most decent hotel in Jimbaran will cost approximately IDR 1,500,000 per night. The average bill for a stay at an upscale restaurant in Jimbaran will be IDR 150,000. As for fish restaurants, they are quite expensive on the beach, so according to reviews, the best vacation in Jimbaran can be spent if you look into the restaurant "Menega". You will need to pay around IDR 300,000 for a dinner for two.

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