Cagliari weather

When is the best time to go to Cagliari? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

The favorability of the weather forecast in Cagliari for vacation depends directly on the time of year. In summer, it is dry, sunny, and warm, while in winter it can be chilly, damp, and often accompanied by snow or rain. In spring and autumn, the weather in Cagliari for a week is typical of the seaside offseason: dry and sunny due to the continental winds, while the sea breezes may require residents to wear coats and carry umbrellas.


Summer arrives in Cagliari in June and lasts until mid-September. The average air temperature during this time ranges from +22 to +35°C, and the 14-day weather forecast in Cagliari promises constant sunshine. Occasionally, the mercury in the thermometer can rise to +40°C in the shade. The sea temperature reaches around +28°C, making it enjoyable for even the youngest tourists to swim. Rain is rare during the summer months, and stormy waves in the Mediterranean Sea are also not observed frequently.

Summer in Cagliari


The velvet season is the perfect time to say, "I'm going to Cagliari!" and head to the Mediterranean Sea to observe the tides, alternating with refreshing swims in the waves. The average air temperature in September and October ranges from +15 to +27°C, while the sea remains warm, ranging from +19 to +26°C. It's a pleasant time to wander around the city, go on excursions, and observe how nature prepares for winter. November marks the beginning of the rainy season in Cagliari, which lasts until February.

Autumn in Cagliari


Winter in Cagliari is relatively mild. The typical temperature ranges from +5 to +12°C. It is the rainy season in Cagliari during winter. Almost every weather forecast for Cagliari predicts precipitation. Snowfall is also common, although a permanent snow cover does not form. The water temperature ranges from +13 to +15°C.

Winter in Cagliari


Is it worth visiting Cagliari in spring? If you don't enjoy crowded beach gatherings, don't intend to wake up early to secure a sunbed, and are comfortable with water temperatures ranging from +14 to +17°C, then March and April are the best months to visit Cagliari. The air temperature during this time ranges from +7 to +18°C, but due to the influence of marine cyclones, the 5-day weather forecast for Cagliari may include heavy rainfall.

Spring tides will delight travelers with various interesting findings: beautiful seashells and stones, pieces of wood, and more.

In May, the water temperature rises to +20°C. The air warms up to +17 to +30°C, marking the traditional bathing season. Beaches gradually fill up with vacationers.

Spring in Cagliari

When is it cheaper to visit Cagliari?

The most cost-effective time to visit Cagliari is during the shoulder seasons, from March to early May and from late September to mid-November. During this time, the Mediterranean climate still treats tourists with pleasant, mild days that can be spent on various excursions. Many tourists confidently take sunbaths and even swim during this period.

The cheapest time to visit and stay in Cagliari is during winter. However, it can be quite dull during this period.

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