Capri's national dishes

The national dishes you must try in Capri.

Italian cuisine is so versatile and varied that we could talk about it forever. Each resort has, at various times, vied for the right to be the home of a world-famous dish: pizza, pasta, cheese or olive oil.

Capri's national dishes are in some ways similar to traditional Italian dishes, but still have a twist of their own. For example, Montella and Roccadaspide chestnut dishes.

Only in Capri you can find a special kind of tomato that locals grow right on the coast. Because the plants are constantly blown around by the salty wind, the sauce made from them later has a subtle seafood flavour. It's a unique dish that should definitely be added to the list of things to try in Capri.

cheese platter

The most famous products of Italy's national cuisine are the cheeses for which the Campania region is famous - mozzarella, caciocavallo silano and provolone del monaco.

Locals who ask about the region's most delicious dishes will be happy to share with you the 1,000 and 1 courgette recipes. It can be stewed, boiled, baked, stuffed and fried.

The true patriots of Capri Island claim that their coast, namely the Campania region, was the birthplace of pizza. And also the creator of Italy's traditional drink, limoncello, the second most popular after campari. Limoncello takes three to five days to make: the lemon peel is infused and later brought to the right proportion by adding sugar and alcohol.

limoncello is a local drink

In addition to all of the above, Capri is a must for ice cream meringues, Italian coffee, sausages, curds and artichokes. And the dessert "Capri Cake" is a must. This dish has a legend of its own: an important delegation was to visit the doctor and his wife was preparing lunch in honour of the visit. The poor woman was so nervous that she forgot to put yeast in the dough, but in spite of this the guests devoured the gourmet pastry with gusto, thus blessing the birth of a unique local dessert.

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