Capri weather

When is the best time to go to Capri? We can tell you the weather conditions at the resort and the forecast for the right dates.

When visiting the Italian seaside, one will want to know the forecast for Capri over the next 3 days. The climate on the island is warm and mild. Prolonged rainfall or cold spells are uncommon.

The tourist season starts between April and September. The fourth month of the year, Capri enjoys a week of gentle sunshine: the air heats to +17° C and the water to +16° C. The month of May can be considered a summer month in Italy, because the thermometer already shows +21 ° Celsius and you can enjoy the sunbathing on the shores of the Bay of Naples.

Capri's 14-day summer weather is traditionally sunny and hot. The high season is more forgiving, with temperatures around +25°C in June. In July and August, the temperature rises to +28-29°C. The waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea also reach between +24 and 26°C.

The early part of the Indian summer is characterised by glorious sunshine and warm seas. For example, in September the forecast for 5 days in Capri will be favorable for a long stay at the beach. The thermometer will surprise you with a summer temperature of 26°C and sea temperature of 25°C. In October, the temperatures will slowly rise. During October, the temperature will slowly decrease to 21°C and in November, the temperature will drop to 17°C.

The weather forecast for Capri in winter will not allow tourists to make a snowman on the island or to play in the snow. The lowest temperatures are in January and February and it is +12°C.

sunny weather in Capri

When is the best time to visit the island of Capri?

Now that we have learned more about the climatic features of the Italian coastline, let's determine the optimal time for a trip to Capri. The tourist season on the island lasts from April to September, and it is during this time that you should inform all your friends and acquaintances, "I am going to Capri."

Is it worth going to Capri in early autumn, during the so-called velvet season? Our answer is undoubtedly yes. In September and October, it is still quite warm, and you can even swim in the sea.

If you are wondering when it is cheaper to visit Capri, we would say that it is the end of autumn and winter. During this time, the temperature drops to around +15°C, and the number of tourists on the island decreases slightly.

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