Almost all year round the weather forecast in Nairobi shows approximately the same figures. The average temperature is +16-20°C.
The coldest weather in Nairobi is in July. In general, the thermometer in this month shows +15 ° C, but sometimes can fall to +10 ° C.
The air warms up most of all in March - at this time the weather in Nairobi gives +20-25°C, and often all +35°C.
If you want to know the weather in Nairobi in October, November or December, you will see stable statistics - usually it is +18-20°C during the day and +13°C at night.
In the periods from April to May and from November to December come rainy seasons. However, they do not pose any particular danger. Thus, in any of these months, the weather forecast in Nairobi can predict 150-200 mm of rainfall, while, for example, in Phuket (Thailand) in September falls 300-400 mm.