How to get from the airport to Acapulco

If you are going to drive to Acapulco on your own, explore all possible routes from the nearest airport to the tourist center of the city.

Acapulco Airport is situated at an elevated position relative to the city itself, almost overlooking the entire city. While locals tend to prefer bus travel, it's typically foreign tourists who arrive by airplane. Consequently, transportation from the airport to the city tends to be relatively expensive.

To determine how to travel from the airport to Acapulco, you can opt for bus services or taxis.

The journey from the airport to the city typically takes around 35 minutes. A taxi ride may cost approximately 300 MXP, while the shuttle bus could be a more budget-friendly option, with tickets costing around 100 MXP each. It's important to note that Acapulco generally has a higher price index compared to even Mexico City, and prices can rise further during high season.

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