Public transportation in Acapulco

The cheapest way to get around is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

City transportation

In Acapulco, public transportation is quite well developed, as there are many bus routes running around the city. A ride on Acapulco's local transportation costs 1 MXP, and you can buy a ticket at special kiosks or from the driver at the entrance.

Most of Acapulco's public transportation is old and uncomfortable buses, which are also fully packed during peak hours, so tourists tend not to use them.

The best transportation in Acapulco is yellow buses. They cost 5.5 MXP, but are considered more comfortable and run along the entire coastline.

Taxis are an equally popular form of transportation in Acapulco. However, when getting into a cab, you should remember that most cab drivers do not give change. You should therefore negotiate the price in advance, even if Acapulco's public transportation has a meter.

Rather than hailing a cab on the street, it's better to order an official cab over the phone. The price for such transportation in Acapulco depends on the distance you travel. 1 km of travel costs 5 MXP. A cab for the whole day will cost 1000 MXP. At night, the fares increase by 10%.

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