Shopping in Acapulco

We'll tell you the best things to bring back from Acapulco and the best places to shop.

It is no coincidence that the Mexican resort is called a mixture of exoticism and luxury, because in addition to the picturesque nature, there is an excellent infrastructure for organizing a shopping tour to Acapulco. Acapulco has not only several shopping centers, but also a large number of boutiques, outlet malls and fashionable malls.

The Golden Zone is considered Acapulco's largest shopping center, which not only has large stores but also many restaurants and bars.

Shopping in Acapulco is not only affordable for wealthy tourists, but also for those on a more modest budget, as you'll find not only exquisite shops, but also quite modest ones.

If you read reviews of shopping in Acapulco beforehand, you'll learn that the most popular among visitors are the shops of local artisans, where you can buy natural silverware and other jewelry for pennies.

Acapulco Shopping Center

There are both positive and negative reviews about shopping in Acapulco. However, if you want to bring only positive emotions from your vacation and not to run into scammers, we advise you to buy jewelry not from hand, but in specialized stores.

A great way to bring back a great piece of brand-name jewelry at an affordable price is to check out one of Acapulco's outlet stores. They can usually be found in one of the city's shopping centers.

The most popular purchases from Acapulco, as in all of Mexico, are sombreros, which can be bought for 150 MXP. A poncho will cost around 200 MXP and a bottle of real tequila from 150 to 300 MXP. Silverware with precious or semi-precious stones will cost around 100 MXP.

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