
How much does a vacation in Lisbon cost?

Budget vacation or vacation on a grand scale? We'll help you decide what to spend.

Lisbon vacation prices

Colorful vacation in the capital of Portugal gathers the most enthusiastic reviews. Budget week vacation for two people in Lisbon can cost 700 EUR. In this case, you'll have to live in a hostel, eat in inexpensive restaurants and cafes and favor walking routes.

By the way, hiking in Lisbon is a pleasure not to be denied, even if you have unlimited funds.

How much a vacation in Lisbon costs also depends on what souvenirs you plan to bring. For example, a cork postcard with views of the city will cost about 1.5 EUR, while the minimum cost of handmade jewelry with silver or gold wire patterns (filigree) is 5000 EUR. Filigree ships, soup bowls, and frappeshnitsy are estimated at 12-30 thousand EUR.

Cost of entertainment in Lisbon

The prices for a vacation in Lisbon are somewhat different for wealthy tourists. Wealthy travelers will be offered a completely different level of comfort - multi-room rooms with gold jewelry, private terraces, exclusive SPA-salons, the cost of which exceeds 1000 EUR per night.

But the views of the city and the port are equally beautiful for travelers of any category.

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