
Weather in Lisbon

You're in luck! The mild Mediterranean climate and the proximity of the warm Gulf Stream guarantee a favorable weather forecast in Lisbon.

The mild Mediterranean climate and the proximity of the warm Gulf Stream guarantee a favorable weather forecast for Lisbon. If the weather in Lisbon for 3 days promises to be warm and sunny, 95% of the time the forecast will hold true. The weather in Lisbon for 5 days is also more likely to be as predicted by meteorologists.

Seasonal fluctuations average +10°C. The weather in Lisbon is often sunny for a week, with only about 100 rainy days a year, most often in winter. It's worth taking an umbrella with you when you head to the Tagus River coast in winter, as the 14-day weather in Lisbon is sure to bring the signature Portuguese rain.

When is the best time to go to Lisbon for heat-seekers? In the spring-summer period, when it's sunny and the average temperature is around +28°C. The lower temperature limit at this time is +16°C (at night).

Winter and fall are humid and windy, but the thermometer does not fall below +5°C, usually stopping at +10°C. The fall and winter period is a cheaper time to visit Lisbon due to the smaller influx of tourists.

You can say "I'm going to Lisbon!" and book tickets at any time of the year - the weather will encourage you to do so.

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