How to get from the airport to Kranjska Gora

If you are traveling to Kranjska Gora on your own, the information about the road from the airport will come in handy.

You can find out how to get to Kranjska Gora directly at the place of arrival. Tourists are offered several ways to make this journey not only fast, but also profitable.

The most costly from a financial point of view is a cab. However, the trip from Ljubljana airport by taxi will take no more than 40 minutes. It will be much more economical to use the services of the railroad. To do this, take a train to Jesenice, and from there take a direct bus to Kranjska Gora.

In addition, tourists can take direct buses from Ljubljana to Kranjska Gora. Travel time on such a route will be about two hours.

As for the price, the most expensive will be the transfer by cab. Its cost to Kranjska Gora will be about 200 EUR. By minibus with a capacity of up to 8 people you can get there for 120 EUR per car. By train, the travel time of which is not more than 1.5 hours, the road will cost about 20 EUR.

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