Weather in Kranjska Gora

Before you go to Kranjska Gora, find out what the weather will be like on the selected dates.

The weather in Kranjska Gora varies depending on the season of being here. This area is most characterized by an alpine mild climate, with long snowy winters and mild summers. A 14-day weather forecast for Kranjska Gora will show that the coldest month here is January. With its onset, the air temperature drops to about -8°C.

The ski season in Slovenia lasts from December to March. Going on a trip to this mountain paradise, it is necessary to look at the weather in Kranjska Gora for a week in advance. Knowing the approximate air temperature, you will be able to put with you only those things that will really be useful in the trip.

A meteorological summary of the weather in Kranjska Gora for 3 days will help you avoid getting caught in a dangerous cyclone. In addition, information about the weather in Kranjska Gora for 5 days will allow you to plan the upcoming tourist route in more detail, so that you have only positive emotions from your vacation.

Going to the ski resort, you should know that the weather in this area can be deceptive and unpredictable, the weather forecast in Kranjska Gora during the day can be dramatically different from the night, so warm things should be taken as much as possible.

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