Weather in Marbella

When is the best time to go to Marbella? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.


Since June, the beach season begins in full force: air temperatures can reach +27-29°C, but the water temperature never exceeds 23°C (a distinctive feature of the Andalusian coast). There is no need to study the weather in Marbella for 5-10 days ahead - summer is dry, without cold and rain. This is the hottest time in the literal and figurative sense - frenzied excitement in hotels and restaurants, increased prices for accommodation, crowds of tourists.

Marbella in summer


September in Marbella is the fourth month of summer, the thermometer never drops below +22°C and the first rains don't start until the second half of October. Check the weather in Marbella in the fall can be a week in advance - in the velvet season there are clear skies and warm sea. We recommend taking an umbrella with you only if you're going to the town in November - at this time the weather forecast for Marbella is not without precipitation and it's starting to get colder (you should have at least one warm sweater in your suitcase).

Worth traveling to Marbella at this time? We recommend November for those who want to save money, see all the local sights and scenery, and eat well - for example, on November 1, there's a chestnut festival (they go well with grilled bacon and local aniseed vodka aguardiente de ojen).


Winter in Marbella is the envy of the rest of Europe. Sure, you can count on +23-24°C only occasionally, but it happens! The average January-February temperature in Marbella is +17-18°C, and for the 'nearest' snow you'll have to go to the Sierra Nevada ski resort (about two hours from Marbella). It's worth checking the weather in Marbella for 14-15 days before departure, as winter brings the maximum amount of precipitation.

Nagueles Beach in Marbella in the fall


Spring warmth usually arrives in Marbella without delay. As early as the end of March the air warms up to +18°C, while in April the thermometer reads +21-23°C. The only disadvantage - frequent rains, so in spring the weather in Marbella should learn 3-5 days in advance. Plus don't forget your warm clothes - spring evenings are cool at +9-13°C.

Many tourists come to Marbella for the Easter holidays, especially Semana Santa - Holy Week (palm and olive branches are consecrated in churches, colorful Spanish women in black mantillas can be seen on the streets, and special Easter treats appear on the menu).

Turret indicating the entrance to the port of Marbella in winter

When is it cheaper to go to Marbella?

"Low season" in the town starts in November and lasts until April (with a "break" for New Year and Christmas holidays). The ideal option - the velvet season in September-October, when the bulk of tourists leave, and accommodation prices fall by 10-15%.

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